We are pleased to inform you that on 4 November we launched a new version of the EU Aid Explorer. These are the most relevant improvements:
- Improvement of the scope and transparency of data
- Before, only Gross Disbursements were displayed. Now, the user can choose between Gross Disbursements and a combination of Grant Equivalent and Net Disbursements for EC+OECD data. This addition has been made to take methodological developments at OECD-DAC into account.
- Flags have been integrated into the project list to identify Humanitarian Aid and COVID-19 response projects. These filters have been implemented based on the feedback received from various workshops.
- Improvement of the user experience
- The export function for charts and tables has been improved so the download of data is more comprehensive and user-friendly. In particular, the export file now contains a special sheet called “Filters” where all the selections at the time of extraction are listed.
- A dynamic Sankey chart has been added.
- Maps for recipient countries and regions have been updated, and Results and Documents have been integrated into one view.
- Project activity with Regional flag and link to relevant documents.
- Information on the time of the latest reload has been added.
We hope these modifications will make everyone’s work smoother. Please do not hesitate to contact the EU Aid Explorer’s functional mailbox (INTPA_EUAIDEXPLORERec [dot] europa [dot] eu (INTPA-EUAIDEXPLORER[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)) if you have any questions.
Discover an overview of the main figures related to the EU support and the different recipients, donors, sectors and channels.
Explore the world map to have an overview on a specific country or to compare data in the world (donors, recipients, sectors,…).
The EU Aid Explorer shows where the EU and Member States provide external development assistance.